Friday, October 1, 2010

Has anyone heard the harping about the US not giving enough foreign aid money and Iran giving more the the US?

Has anyone heard the harping about the US not giving enough foreign aid money and Iran giving more the the US?
US levels for foreign aid fall short of this goal (the US currently ranks last among the world's wealthiest countries at about 0.1 percent of GNP.) However, in absolute amounts, the United States is currently the world's top donor of economic aid, providing $16.254 billion in 2003 according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In 2001, the United States gave $10.9 billion, Japan $9.7 billion, Germany $4.9 billion, the United Kingdom $4.7 billion, and France $4.3 billion. As a percentage of GNP, however, the top donors were Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Sweden. The Netherlands (pop. 16.3 million) gave $3.2 billion in 2001 — almost a third of what America contributed. We are funding a war against terror, forgive us world for coming in a little shy with the give away money. We are trying to make the world safe, democratic and free. Kudos to all those countries who were generous to give so much, the world needs you.
Politics - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, Al Jazeera and Dan Rather were reporting propaganda.
2 :
If I were in charge, I wouldn't issue dime one to any country. Since America is such a big bully and the cause for all the world's ailments, then no one will mind billions of American dollars being taken and put right back where it belongs...the taxpayer's wallets. Why didn't you check and see the amounts given to charity by AMERICAN CITIZENS. You anti-Americans really piss me off. Your FACTS are slanted and do not take into account charities and private donations. IF YOUR ANTI-AMERICAN butt would check those facts, you'd see Americans donate cash (as well as other aid and personnel) second to none!
3 :
we are not fighting a war on terror. terrorism is a tactic, not an enemy. bush is currently using terrorism by routinely dropping bombs on civilians and authorizing the torture of innocents. bush is not a president, he is a criminal, a gangster. he is draining our treasury and destroying our reputation. Almost all the money we give, anyway, is tied to our foreign policy goals. We have wasted a billion a week on bush's war based on lies. We certainly had the money to give ourselves a decent health care system and help the world. Instead, bush is using our treasury to sow terror around the world and keep all his buddies in the big money.
4 :
What is your point? These number do not include the military support we give either. I'm cool with what we do. No more needs to be given out.
5 :
In terms of the war on terror, the USA is working hard but not smart. America's foreign policy(which costs almost nothing) makes America the primary target for terrorists check the the link from which I am quoting: "More important, saying that Israel and the US are united by a shared terrorist threat has the causal relationship backwards: the US has a terrorism problem in good part because it is so closely allied with Israel, not the other way around. Support for Israel is not the only source of anti-American terrorism, but it is an important one, and it makes winning the war on terror more difficult. There is no question that many al-Qaida leaders, including Osama bin Laden, are motivated by Israel’s presence in Jerusalem and the plight of the Palestinians. Unconditional support for Israel makes it easier for extremists to rally popular support and to attract recruits."
6 :
Wouldnt it be a shame that the US would actually spend money where we could really use it, at home? When is this country going to wake up and spend money on its cities, health care, needy and to create jobs? U2's Bono allways lambasting the US and UK for not giving more money to other countries. Thats all well and good, but what about our own country? Look around Bono and people like you, we need to take care of ourselves and stop giving it all away!! You obvously dont know this country very well.
7 :
You know I get so tired of statistics you can prove or disprove any point,people make up their on and no one cares or notices.I for one am very proud of this country's humanitarian efforts around the world,and I wonder why other country's take so much pleasure in discounting what we do.We are the first name they call when in need ,but who helps this country.We are the most maligned and least respected,then leave us alone,don't take our money and then spit in our face.I am very proud and fortunate to be an American.I am proud of the American people as a whole, I am not proud of the people that live here ,feed off the government,squander its resources,disrespect its flags, then bad mouth the USA. Say anything you want about GWB,say anything you desire about liberals,conservatives,etc,if you don't like it then vote for change but do not talk badly about this country that I hold so dear.. .stepping off my soap box.......