Wednesday, August 28, 2013

boyfriend? family? i have no idea what to do? HELP please!?!?

boyfriend? family? i have no idea what to do? HELP please!?!?
MY boyfriend moved out again, because he missed his family because they never came to see him, like last time he moved out. but this time he said he doesn't wanna talk to me at all. and he isn't coming back again, and i don't know what to do. cause he doesn't wanna talk to me. i mean i wanna give him space an time. cause at first he said i don't wanna be with you, cause you put too much stress on me with you being sad all the time, but before he even went tot talk to his father cause he went on a drive to talk to his father, me and him were fine like he said he wasn't gonna leave and he loves me and he wouldn't leave me but then he came back 10 minutes later and he is leaving? when he moved out last time its cause his family threatened to disown him so he went back with them, and every time he moves back there he has to break up with me cause his grandparents they let his family live with them cause they are wealthy, he has to break up with me cause they think im after their money, its pretty pathetic cause i never asked them for one thing, so im almost positive its his family making him do this .then before he walked out the door, he said he still wants to be with me but we need to get our **** together and we will get back together, and he gave me a hug and 2 kisses and said i love you. so i don't know. im so confused, and i know for a fact he is confused cause if he lives with my he feels like he is telling his family to **** off, and if he lives with me he feels like he is telling me to **** off except he cant talk to me at his grandparents house, and my mom said he had a surprise for me and he said he did and i was so excited and i was gonna get it for my birthday. well he was gonna propose to me and he had the ring and everything. my mom showed it to me :( so im so confused. like if he really still wants to be with me or he just doesn't wanna hurt me and we just had our 1 year anniversary Sunday nd he doesn't wanna talk to me on the phone cause he said that will make him wanna be with me more. i don't know if it is his family, like last time. im gonna die tonight cause i wont be sleeping in his arms. or waking up to his face or anything :( and i couldn't sleep what so ever last night. plus he took everything. or thought he did. he packed all up and left a bag of clothes in my kitchen on accident, his suit case is in my moms car so he left that, and a couple other things so that's sitting in my room. on my mirror he wrote on it and it just says like "i love you and i forever will, and i wanna be with you forever, your the most beautiful baby girl in the world" and i don't wanna wash it off like its so sad i cant even go in my own room with out almost crying. ever since he left i can barely breathe and i would watch a movie to occupy myself or keep myself busy but like i said everything reminds me of him.i always would watch movies with him or TV. we did like everything together so i cant do anything with out thinking bout him. i just want him back. i wanna talk to him bout all of this and say im sorry for being sad lately but i cant help it my little sis is depressed and cutting my mom wants to kill herself. and its hard cause im worrying bout everything... i need my baby back, i need everything to be perfect again. i need him to get his *** to Alta ( my school) . i know he isn't gonna cause he lives back in with his family and i know they wont allow that because i go there. but oh my gosh and i just want his *** to get on here, so i can ask him if its him. or his family. or ask him if i do good for like a week or something like he can talk to my mom if he wants to see how im doing, can we get back together he doesn't have to live with me i just want to know he is mine and we are together and everything like that cause my birthday is in 10 days and if he isn't there or me and him aren't together im not having a birthday party. and he went online just to change his facebook status to single and i know i have to give it time but i mean, i know his family they wont let him call me, or talk to me like last time. so even if he wanted to he cant, and my birthday is in 2 weeks and its gonna kill me if im not with him by then cause me and him had so much planned, and he was gonna ask me to marry him. PRETTY PLEASE DON'T SAY MOVE ON CAUSE I HAVE BEEN WITH HIM FOR A YEAR AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH OR SAY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU, CAUSE I'M TRYING TO HANG IN THERE AND GIVE IT TIME AND JUST BE HAPPY, BUT ITS SO HARD :( Ps: im 17, in case you wanted to know.and how can i get a hold of him to talk to him about all of this, he doesn't have a cell phone? so how would i talk to him about all of this?
Other - Family & Relationships - 1 Answers
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1 :
This is a difficult situation. It sounds like your boyfriend has a lot of growing up to do. He has to learn how to stand on his own two feet and make up his mind what he wants. If he wants you in his life, he has to stand up to his family and tell them so. If he is not willing to do that, the two of you would be miserable together and it's better you find that out now. Maybe he will be so miserable without you that he will decide to grow a backbone, you will know soon enough. In the meantime, just be assured that this is not your fault. It's normal to be a little down with all that's going on in your life, and a true partner would understand that and try to help. It's hard when the two of you don't have your own place to go to to get away from everyone else. If you get back together, try to come up with a strategy for dealing with stressful times. Sit down together and make a "game plan" of things you can do that make you happy --- as individuals and as a couple. Keep the list handy and refer to it when things get crazy. It's hard to think rationally when you're upset, and having it in writing will help. Best wishes to you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

On Father's Day, should we remember all the men in prison for their inability to pay child support?

On Father's Day, should we remember all the men in prison for their inability to pay child support?
Sad but true: Interesting quote: "For example, in one case highlighted by the Boston Globe, a divorced father who worked in the real estate industry had been paying $6,000 a month in child support, plus additional expenses such as health insurance and tuition. When the real estate industry crashed, he fell behind and, with an application for a downward modification still pending, was handcuffed in court and jailed for 30 days. The Bergen Record recently detailed the case of Peter Triantafillou, a divorced dad who agreed to pay $5,000 a month in child support in 2006 while earning a good income as a trader. When the economic downturn hit, he was laid off twice and now earns only $60,000 — exactly the amount of his child support obligation. He says: “They had an arrest warrant on me. I had to go to jail for two days. I could understand if I was a deadbeat dad. Or I was on the run or something. But I’m here, picking up my kids after school. I’m involved. Just because I don’t have that much money to pay anymore doesn’t mean I should be chastised.” National Public Radio reported the case of a Cape Cod, Mass., father who lost his job in January but is still required to pay $3,466 a month in child support and 65 percent of college expenses for two of his children. According to NPR: “He petitioned the court to pay less child support but … had to wait two and a half months for a hearing. Then the judge denied his request to temporarily lower his child support payments and scheduled a trial for July … typically, it takes six months from the time a noncustodial parent petitions the court to pay less because of a job loss to when the court makes a decision.”" "I'd rather think of all the children suffering because their father are to selfish to pay child support." Sox, The question was not about men who can pay but don't. The question was about the men who are jailed because they cannot pay. Please try to pay attention. Thanks. "I read the question. Then I told you what I'd rather do. Please pay more attention to my answers, thanks." Sox, I'd rather think about pretty much anything other than your non-answer. Sox and MBlue, I think your answers speak for themselves. You have no problem with putting inocent men in jail, or do not consider it a issue worthy of attention. Thanks for clarifying your position. *an issue* Some great answers here. Thanks! BratRich, that was quite eloquent. MBlue, If your original answer demostrated any empathy for fathers imprisoned for their inability to pay child support, I missed it. It seemed to me that you were too busy distracting from the issue by attacking men who can pay but won't and men who are in prison for other reasons. Maybe I should have read very closely between the lines . . . "oh, and all of what I say applies to women too." MBlue, How convenient is this afterthought? It almost makes it sound like you are being fair-minded. Almost. As we all know, the draconian child support system was designed primarily by feminsts who don't like men and who are well aware that men will be disproportionately impacted because women alost always get custody. *almost always*
Gender Studies - 11 Answers
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1 :
Men who are in jail for unrelated crimes also don't have their child support suspended. They become "deadbeat dads" against their will while behind bars. Adds: Wow, MBLUE. You're not very forgiving, are you? Especially since over half of the people in jail in this country are there for victimless crimes...
2 :
I'd rather think of all the children suffering because their father are to selfish to pay child support, thanks. EDIT: I read the question. Then I told you what I'd rather do. Please pay more attention to my answers, thanks. EDIT: That's because you care more about fathers too half assed to help feed their children than those very same children suffering. You obviously view child support as some evil institution bought about by feminism.
3 :
Very sad. Sox, I like to think of the selfish women who had kids but were too immature to maintain a family. The majority of these men are good men who have had the misfortune of impregnating skanks.
4 :
Yep, men aren't worth anything in our society unless they're working for women, or paying women. And Sox, "too selfish to pay child support"?, are you kidding me? Its not a matter of selfishness, its a matter of NOT BEING ABLE to pay. Courts place an essentially arbitrary income to a man, and then make him pay a certain percent. Clearly you aren't capable of independent thought, and you simply mirror the party lines. A man could make 80k a year. But the courts could simply say he makes 100k a year, and charge him 75k in CS, Alimony, legal fees, and etc. Its about imputed income, not reality. He then would not have enough money to live. It will also take a long time to change his income if he gets laid off. He could get thrown in jail for simply working in a bad economy. Its about the children though. Who gives a crap about men. Edit: I dont care about fathers more than children. I care about men who get wrongly imprisoned for losing their jobs in an unstable economy. They aren't "half assing", they try to support their kids, but are not able to. And don't put words in my mouth. I do not view CS as evil. It is necessary for the welfare of kids. But imprisoning fathers due to unavoidable circumstances does not help the kids in any way. It actually prevents him from getting a new job to support them. Thus, it HURTS the children to imprison the father, along with being unethical.
5 :
steve-o wants us to feel bad for the dads that are in jail for unrelated offenses and then can't pay their child support. Maybe they shouldn't have broken any laws in the first place? If they're in prison for another crime, they aren't good fathers anyways. And yes, it's unfortunate that there's so many deadbeats out there that the system is built towards them... making it harder to protect the men that honestly just caught a tough break and don't have the money. It's a question of letting a guilty man go free or putting an innocent man behind bars. Sadly enough, our parents weren't lying when they told us "life isn't fair" EDIT: when did I say I had no problem with it!? I said "unfortunately" and "sadly" ... I was speaking about the injustices of our justice system. It does suck that the bad fathers ruined it for the ones that have just "honestly caught a bad break". And I wish something were done about it. And if you honestly feel bad for the men that are put in prison for another offense and then are unable to pay their child support... then you really aren't seeing the big picture of that situation. When someone is sent to prison, they don't get to put their job on hold, their family's life on hold, etc. Why should that carry over to child support? The inmate made a conscious decision to break the law and ended up in jail. You don't get a free pass from child support just because you're a criminal. You want to support your kids, help them lead a productive, good life, stay out of jail. You're telling Sox to read the question carefully and you didn't even read my answer carefully. EDITx2: After reading the other answers and looking at their avatars I have one question: Is it because I'm a girl? :-( No, steve-o, actually I'm forgiving of men who broke the law, completed their punishment and didn't bi*ch and moan about how unfair it is that their kids didn't starve/go without clothes/otherwise live in poverty because they were in prison and couldn't support them. If you want to be a good dad, you stay out of jail. It's not hard, there's plenty of law-abiding citizens who haven't been put in jail ever. EDITx3: last one, really I'm done. So you sent that nice email, and then continued to attack me on here. I repeat: "not cool sammy" To clear things up, I was only irritated that steve-o would compare the situation that these poor men are in who have lost their jobs with the situation of a real criminal in prison. And my source wasn't an afterthought, but merely a guess of what the next response would be... "oh well if the roles were switched, you would say the woman shouldn't be held accountable for her child support." So if it's possible to state this any clearer: I agree, those men are in a shitty situation and it's sad and I wish something could be done to prevent it from happening again.
6 :
This is unbelievable. The whole system is so F*^*ed up. Sox, these men can't even pay! That's pretty heartless of you.
7 :
Heavenly Father! If you are there, and tune into earth frequency sometimes, you already know its Father's day! We, sons and fathers, have died to save our kith and kin for centuries. Sacrificed our days and toiled under dark stars. We stayed away, missed our children's smiles and missed the touch of their tiny fingers. We worked through our lives till grey hair, so our children can grow. We, sons and fathers, went out in millions and laid our lives so our children's mothers and motherland can stay free and prosperous. But Oh Father! A Father is not valued anymore. A father is not human anymore. He is remnant of your glory. His life and time is less worth than the money he earns. He can not save the life of his unborn child. And he can not be a father to his born ones if the kings decide. The spring of compassion and love from the mother-earth has dried. So Father, Send us a miracle. Let some compassion for your reflections show. Let some justice for your sons prevail. Heavenly Father! Let your sons be the Fathers.
8 :
Sad.. It's pathetic and hypocritical how society shame/demonize men who can't pay child support but at the same time have no problem with women who avoid parental responsibility by having abortion or just drop the baby at the fire station..
9 :
Sox, The father is not the only one required to provide a certain amount of money toward the care of the children, so is the custodial mother. But, when she loses her job, she just takes away from her children by reducing what she is obligated to provide for them. She is under no threat of jail for losing her job and providing less for her children, only the father is. Also, she can get a reduction hearing in 30 days, along with an increase in his obligation for extras, such as her percentage of the cost of a private school. This is a civil rights issue. If she's allowed to reduce her obligation to the children, because of a job lose, so should he, or both should face the threat of prison, equally. Now worse than all that, they have to let out soft crime criminals in order to house these fathers. The states no longer have the money to house criminals of all types, but because federal law requires that deadbeat dads take precedence in jailings, others, such as muggers, have to be released. Which do you want in jail?
10 :
'On Mother's Day, should we remember all the women in prison for their inability to pay child support?' What about this question? There are plenty of mothers, who do not take care properly of their children. More children are mistreated by mothers than by fathers, and boys are more frequently mistreated than girls. What about these mothers? What happens with them? Are they in jail? Do they pay child-support to the father and other people who take care of their mistreated children? About child-support, it should be calculated on a monthly basis. If a father is jobless, how can he pay? If a father is ill and in hospital and has no income, how can he pay? Yes, on Father's Day, we should remember fathers, all fathers, who have good intention towards their children.
11 :
The child support law is against the constitution of this country. I believe there is some sort of a paragraph in the US Constitution which states government cannot induced involuntary slavery or some thing to that nature. If a father don't have a job and cannot get one, he should not have to be imprisoned. I called that involuntary slavery. When a father cannot get a job, or unable to work, which is more likely now due to global recession,(which was caused by the idiot greedy politicians and shaking hands with their corporate lobbyist) the father cannot be determine to be label a dead beat dad, and should not be jailed. Then ones that should be imprison are the ones committing fraudulent activities and racketeering of the American fathers of their ability to make a living for them and their children. The District Attorney has made collecting child support as a financial a industry. I have no idea how much they collected but I do know there is somewhat like 14.4 Billion Dollars still out standing of so call unpaid child support. With 14,4 billion dollars they can build dozens of more concentration camps in this country deserts. For people like me who are not afraid to tell the truth and of course the fathers of all the$14.4 billion unpaid child support. Actually what Child Support really is, is another form of taxation for having children. The world would not look to kindly on government in which parents get taxed for having children so they call it, Child Support. The lawyers, judges,court clerks, the DA and everyone else that is connected, to collection of child support gets to be employed and feeding and clothing their children. That is the present nature of this government we are suppose to take care of our kids, so at a later time, this government can kill them in some future war for the want of oil or to keep the Wall Street Investors happy and rich. The child support law is and another incidence where this government is trying to institutionalize the kids, by breaking up family values and independent thinking, that is derived from a 2 parent family structure. Which benefits the coming of the New World Order. The only way to beat the child support law is go to jailed as the civil rights activist did so in the 1960's. And when governmental idiot bureaucrats have half the adult male population in jail then the law might become more lenient or abolished this unfair law.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Would there ever be an epic bin laden biopic film made in the history of all cinema?Our lifetime or years away

Would there ever be an epic bin laden biopic film made in the history of all cinema?Our lifetime or years away
And if they did how do you think it will go? My sister said it wouldn't offend people or americans but simply wouldn be a huge waste of a big budget long film about his entire life, coz it wouldn't gross money coz no one would see it. So she thinks no one would see it except me lol and I think it would offend americans anyway...but it would be worth exposing the tragedy of 9/11 as it includes one man's demise as a flesh-and-blood human. A fellow human lost along the path of peace. But it would be a film to make us know our enemy coz we have to in order to overcome their hate. The entire film based on Peter Bergen's book The BinLaden I Know as he has the same goal: understanding the enemy. My dad made me wonder this as he sed how fascinating it wud be to see that journey in a film. Do you think a bin laden biopic would be made or would there just be films like hunting for him like Oliver Stone said he would do following his World Trade Center? "H8 cant overcome evil. Only luv can" MLK
Movies - 1 Answers
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very interesting but you got to realize that if the movie was made in the USA it would be very biased and the facts of bin laden would be given to you by the US Government and frankly after being lied to all these years i wouldnt trust the Governtment to tell what time it is.... we are a government of lies and propaganda .... They Blamed Bin Laden hours after the crash yet they had no knowledge it was going to happen... Bin Laden himself came out A week After the Attack and denied involvment and even said to check within our own government for the criminals ....that being said how can we possibly make a movie based on biased information our corrupt government has given us on Bin Laden...... not saying he is a saint or anything but a movie written by anyone is just going to be biased propaganda for or against him.... is a great topic and i would love to watch that film though

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Will a bin laden biopic ever be filmed in cinema history? Maybe in our lifetime? From childhood to 9/11?

Will a bin laden biopic ever be filmed in cinema history? Maybe in our lifetime? From childhood to 9/11?
And if they did how do you think it will go? My sister said it wouldn't offend people or americans but simply wouldn be a huge waste of a big budget long film about his entire life, coz it wouldn't gross money coz no one would see it. So she thinks no one would see it except me lol and I think it would offend americans anyway...but it would be worth exposing the tragedy of 9/11 as it includes one man's demise as a flesh-and-blood human. A fellow human lost along the path of peace. But it would be a film to make us know our enemy coz we have to in order to overcome their hate. The entire film based on Peter Bergen's book The BinLaden I Know as he has the same goal: understanding the enemy. My dad made me wonder this as he sed how fascinating it wud be to see that journey in a film. Do you think a bin laden biopic would be made or would there just be films like hunting for him like Oliver Stone said he would do following his World Trade Center? "Hate cant overcome evil. Only love can"MLK
Other - Society & Culture - 1 Answers
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i don't think bin laden was real. i think its juss a person the goverment made up to use as a scape goat. but thats juss me....