What is GMI ? do you know about GMI?
actually, i am not asking this question to have an answer, but i am asking it to tell you what is this thingy. this company is an illegal company.. it is based on stealing money from people. there isn't any job in this company... the goal of the company is to invite as much as possible people to it, and each one who joins it, must pay 70$.. this is the way how this company earns its money. So every person who joins it, and "Work" for it.. will earn money from the new comers who pays the 70$. the job is only in the beginning, and it is, to call 2 friends and invite them to a presentation where the presenter will play his role to play with their minds. after you have 2 of your friends invited under you (it is based on a tree program), these 2 friends must do the same work as you've done before and it is to call their friends and invite them to the presentations. So your work is done from here, and you will earn money with doing nothing... and the logical thinking says, that "No money without work", so there is something not right with this company. it like, one day.. you friend will call you on your phone, and tell you:"hey, how are you? ((How is your job?)), is everything going cool? .. ((Look, i saw something very interesting, and I would like to show you it)) OR ((I have something important that i need to show you it.. and i would like to have your opinion about it)) .. These kinds of words are words of invitation, and after this he will close the line to prevent you from asking more and more about this company. he will tell you, meet me at (...) and at (...) O'clock. when you get there, you will see him with another guy. He should be wearing neat uniform and the guy near him should have some papers. The other guy will show you a presentation about this company.. but be careful, he will try to play with your mind to let you think positively about this company. the most important things he may say: -This is a company from Norway (check this: http://www.norway-lebanon.org/ARKIV/Old_web/business/news/goldmine/) -This company is protected by "Verysign".. so this company protects the economy of the biggest 7 trade companies in the world (but, if you think a little. you will discover that the rulers of the biggest companies in the world are jews, and they're the biggest economical thieves ) -This Company is opened since 11-12 years ago (But I am sure that if you ask all people you know around you [your family, friends ...] no one will tell you that they have heard about it) when he finish the presentation, your mind will be controlled by them, they will make you pay 70$ to join this company. so listen well from here.. if you want to confuse the presenter immediately, tell him: "What if I accept working with you in this company, and I will bring you people as much as you want... but without paying the 70$" He will feel confused in the beginning, but the he will NOT NEVER AND EVER accept your help. and then finally at this presentation, if you wan to let the presenter and the inviter feel surprised, ask them this: " What is the PRODUCTION, of this company??" and you know very well that there isn't any production ... but just ask it to look at their faces. I am sure that they won't have any logical answer for you. we've done some researches about this company with my friend, and here are some results: -The company started from Pakistan. -The owner is persian. -Norway has no information about it. -They have no Official trade mark. -They don't have any legal profiles in all the countries around the world. -Their working system is counted as illegal in USA and some other countries -their offices are hidden in every country they want to steal -They don't open 24/7 as all the normal companies -They don't have a legal phone numbers (official company numbers) Story: I will tell you a small story about the GMI in my country. Me and my friend asked about the office of the GMI, a member told us where it is.. not exactly but the area. we knew the area very well .. but when we got there, we couldn't see any building which must show that this is an official company bldg. we looked around the area for about 10 min. but we couldn't find anything. We asked some Residents who live there, but no one seemed to know this company.. they always answered:"What is this company? and what it is supposed to do?" So you see? no one knows it, even people who lives near it. I hope I explained a lot about this company, and I hope that everyone should be careful from these thieves. (If anyone knows more illegal things about this company, please write your comments)
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They are good at protecting ID's. Even their own. My friend has already made 20k lbs. He won't tell me anything more either. Could they be making money import/export? You know.... the stuff?