How to get to another country?
Hi, I’m Ali 18 years old, and I’m living in Iraq, I just want to get out of this country because I’m having a hard time with Religious people, because I’m non-Religious, and my life may be on a risk because of Muslims, Quran commands them to kill who denies Islam, Who kills me will get a prize names ( Savab ) in Islam, Savab increases their rank in heaven, ( heh, Nice prize Allah giving for killing, I think mafia is better since their prizes are CASH not imaginary brainwashing things, LOL ). my problem isn’t just this, I also found it hard to live in Iraq, because People are so intolerant, and it’s really hard living in here, very Few clean foods with insane prices, Corruption, Tribe wars, also, There is no future for me here as I’m sure because I like to make music and also the Western kind of music, so yeah, no Future for western like middle eastern in middle east. The country of my dreams was always Norway, Because of its nature and tolerant people, I like Sweden too, I even trying to learn Norwegian language (Hvor er du?). I wanted to see is it possible to gain nationality in Norway and study there to be a musician (I like Philosophy too, but music is the high priority), I also got some nice music’s made (I’m not Professional yet but here is the link so you can see my skill; , This song isn’t done yet, I’m thinking of a Vocal for it). By the way, I want to have a shining future, and I will try all I can for it. About the budget I got only about 3-4 thousand dollars, Don’t make fun of me, I worked from my age 16 to 18 to make that much (I graduated from High School at 16), well it was 8,000 but spent 1,000 to survive and live and 2,000 for nose surgery for Breathe ease and 1,000 for a good Laptop, in Iraq people don’t get paid too much. If you think it’s not enough, I think I can make a little more. About my family and parents; they are some fanatic brutal religious people, and they are money lovers and got mixed with religious made a ridiculous parent, and they are like 60 years old, well I don’t blame them because they are brainwashed, and there is no way for them to get out of that religion since they wasted 60 years with it, Sometimes I feel really sad because they could be better people, if Muhammad (Prophet of Islam) didn’t brainwash people, I’m really angry with him. I just got one sister that understands me and she is in Iran (Married there), and I can’t go there for more than 30 days because I don’t have nationality in there and can’t have because I’m an Atheist, I’m going there just for the Nose surgery I’ve told, will last 2-3 weeks. Is there a way that I can work and study in Norway, also I want some time for myself too, I’m not a robot. How can I go there and live there, I will be a refugee? Can I get Visa from here? Is there a problem that I’m from Middle East? I know I made some offenses to Islam, but seriously Islam is the most intolerant and fanatic and brutal thing I ever can imagine in my life, and the worse is that Muslims talk about peace when their killing who denies their religion or who is homosexual, Muslims oppressed me enough and I’ve had enough with them, I won’t be quite anymore, the most simple thing is circumcision I got circumcised when I was less than a years old and it wasn’t my decision, however I’m having my foreskin back with some techniques, but I just wondering what they are thinking by doing that, is this Human Creation fault that Guy’s penis have some foreskin for ease of masturbation or sensation? , let’s say it their way, their Allah made a mistake by making guys penis like this and this guys fixing it???!!!! (Maybe it’s right, Maybe Allah got a little horny when making Guy’s penis, who knows?), what a deep brainwash. Sorry if this question is too long, and thanks for your help and kind attention by reading this.
Immigration - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Since you have a laptop and internet access, google the Norwegian embassy and search for VISA information for asylum seekers.
2 :
first of all you have to get a visa in able to travel to other country. :D "The visa lottery system poses a national security threat. Under the program, each successful applicant is chosen at random and given the status of permanent resident based on pure luck." Bob Goodlatte Visa requirements to visit other countries and search for visa, travel, hotel, restaurants and beaches:
3 :
I'm so sorry you've been through all this :( I've only read a little of the Qu'ran - I'm not religious - and I couldn't see anything horrid in it, but people use religious books to justify atrocities because a lot of people are a$$holes. In the USA people use the Torah and the Bible to justify cutting up their kids. It's no different, really. I'm in New Zealand. We're not as socially progressive as Norway, but more so than the USA. Feel free to apply here and come and make it that way - we can always use more free thinkers :-) Good luck and I wish you all the best in your new home, wherever that may be.