Why life is so f....g unfair??? Why do people live better in some other countries like America and in other?
Why do the majority of people live better in other parts of Europe like in Norway people are rich.There kids are get used to get a mobile phone at the age of 9 or 10. They have a welfare state. But in other parts of Europe like in Serbia or in Hungary the majority of people are poor and they just make ends meet and have the bare basics or even less in some cases.In Africa it is more worse, kids have disease and there are many infected people with AIDS and they have nothing, they even don't have any home, and there are many refugees, but in America there are people who are fat as they eat a lot of fast food and other food and they have cars and homes and relative good paid jobs, why life is so unfair that those people who live in poorer countries have much low standard of living and they have either so little money or simply no money at all. And Americans complain about high oil prices at the pump. Ridiculous.They have big SUV-s and they complain about oil prices, they should pay price
Law & Ethics - 17 Answers
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1 :
Who said life is fair?
2 :
I know what you mean and understand but whenever I think about stuff like that, life just gets depressing. I've found that it's better to think of solutions to the problem than to think of only the problem itself. Just worry about your own situation for now. After you help yourself, than you can find a way to help the rest of the world. That's exactly what I plan to do..... And by the way, I think it's great that you're concerned about others. It's nice to know that there are other selfless beings out there......
3 :
what do you suggest? theres alot of struggling people everywhere and then there are the rich and well to do ... ive been in some poorer countries where they hardly had any money or expensive possesions but there was much more peace and family unity ...which is better really?
4 :
What goes around comes around. Karma. We will get ours big time. We are infidels.
5 :
Life is never fair. That's what gives us our motivation to do more in life is to beat the odds that we were given. Without life being fair we would have no successes, there would be no challenge, there wouldn't be ANYTHING to make anyone better! One thing that gives poor people the advantage (if they choose to take it) is to overcome the odds! Those people are the people who truly help society and the ones in need because they know. It's pretty fair to be humanist v. not caring at all. Don't you think?
6 :
such is the way of the world
7 :
What the western world has was built by the westerners. They had a better system. Nothing falls from the sky and life isn't fair, it is a jungle. The Gazelle that is caught by the lion doesnt think life is fair either.
8 :
Government of different countries have their priorities with many just enriching themselves while in power instead of distributing the money to the poor. Norway is good because there is less corruption and the people have good employment opportunities. Unlike in poor countries, people are not entitled to many things because those in power limits the circulation of money on the politicians who usually control the businesses.
9 :
I know what you mean! Its very hard to understand why. You would only hope that the people with money give back to charities and communities. Like Bill Gates he has donated I think 75-80% of his wealth to charities for Aids and the like, we need more people like him in this world! The problem is we all have been so self engrossed that we don't really care about anything that doesn't affect us, whch is a sad state to be in. So to all who are reading this please do your bit to help make the world a better place for everyone not just You!(Know it sound corny but its true). ps. I'm not a hippie :)
10 :
It's not Life that's unfair. It's greed that is unfair. It's lust for power that is cruel. It's social conditioning that makes people blind. And it's questions like yours that cast a small spark of light into the darkness. Thank you.
11 :
I live in the USA and I agree that some countries have more poor people and lower standards of living than others. I do not KNOW for sure why this is. I suppose it is a combination of things. The governments and the economical systems are probably one reason. Another reason must be how many of the people get good educations. If you happen to live in a country where many of the technological advances are made, you are in a position to where you will have access to these advances first. Americans have always been people that think they can right every wrong. They are generous people as you can see by the charities that go to other countries for disaster aid and foreign aid. They are becoming more obese as they eat more unhealthy food and get less exercise. American's morals are going to pot as well as the morals of the rest of the world.Americans bitch and complain about many ridiculous things but they do not mean to offend anyone. Hope this helped.
12 :
I doubt it. Not as easy as you think.
13 :
We are all on a journey...if you don't like the way you live you should improve...the United State of America has programs here to help the people who are poor....as you move into the future life gets more expenses and for us paying 1.50 at the pump is better than paying 3.00...we have rent, we pay for water, we pay for elec, we pay for food, we pay for education....we pay for car insurance, health care, and because we do this we have improve the way we live....we are trying to help the world but some people just don't like us.....American are people from: Africa, Serbia, Hungary, Paris, England, China, Japan, koran, ....we are just not one race, we are all the races....so if you don't like it where you are at come to America...I came here when i was 5 from Puerto Rico and have live here for 45 years and i can tell you we are a good country and we do help the world...
14 :
Look people should stop making blanket statements about America and how Americans live.....Visit poor town USA, hell visit the ghetto in the next American big city that you visit and tell me whether you will still be saying that b***s**t
15 :
who said life is fair but what goes around comes around
16 :
Just to say that life in Serbia is not that bad like you think and describe it.
17 :
well to be honest not everyone has a good hospital to go to, they have to work in sweatshops, maybe more kids in different countries get cell phones because there parents need to know where the blank they are. Every country is different then another many different rules and regulations. It just goes by there civil procedure.