Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thinking about moving from Norway to the U.S?

Thinking about moving from Norway to the U.S?
Ok so im 18 years old and an american citzen. I want to move to the u.s because of 3 reasons 1. Weather 2. To find the love of my life who i cant find over here 3. Money (i dont have a chance to get a job over here cuz i'm from arab roots and cant speak the language very good) so now my questions are 1. Im in high school but our system is different, so we have 13 grades instaed of 12 and i've missed 2 years learning the language. How am i gonna switch schools, and do i do that before or after moving? 2. What am i gonna work? is there a chance i can live untill im done with college so i work with my carrere? Am i gonna be able to live lets say just enough to get my very needed stuff? (i might have a roommate) and i really wanna study to become an architect. and im seriously thinking about it and i really wanna return to the states i was born there and my family are arabs. I can speak english lets say very well but i have a heavy accent (Sexy as said) andddd i think i can make it in New York! so what are the best schools and how can get a good job to get my needed things? =)
Other - United States - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You should probably finish your high school in Norway if possible, especially if you want to move to NYC as the public school system here, especially in inner cities, is not very good. Private schools are usually on the expensive side and it's difficult to get into charter schools. I think it's better for you to wait and come here for college if you want. NYC is on the expensive side, but since you are an American citizen you may be able to get a job. However, that said, the job situation is NOT good here right now, and the vast majority of jobs that don't require a college degree only pay minimum wage or slightly above, which can be hard to live on. Once you finish college you will have a better shot at making a decent living here. Also, as I understand it, Norway is more of a modern welfare state, which means you get much better benefits than you will get in the USA. (Healthcare probably being the biggest thing.) It's a big decision and you may want to visit first.
2 :
whoahh this is so weird. i used to know a kid from my school who moved from here to norway and is also form arab roots and i know he wants to move back...and we are the same age...uhmm..haha do i know you?? okay well heres my input: find where you are going to live first. after you know the area, then youll know what school youll be in. contact the school in advance and let them know youll be coming and need to finish out high school. then youll probably get the shcool thing figures out once youre there..like all the paperwork and stuff. my advice is to finish high school before coming over here though. why? because once you have a high school diploma youll have so many opportunities in getting free or really cheap college tuition by coming from a foreign country. and that way you will know where you will be living (on their campus probably) and you can easily find a job working at the college campus or around it. and being a student living on your own is waaayy more manageable than being in high school and trying to work for rent? thats way crazy. no one does that. get into college first. there are soooo many colleges in american. narrow it down by location, like your ideal places of living. new york is reallyyy expensive, but if you really want to live there then nyu is considered a great school. there are also a lot of great private colleges in new york state so just do some research. and apply to as many schools as you can and i guarantee that if you have pretty good grades, then there will be some college out there that will pay for your way here.
3 :
You probably want to live somewhere with weather similar to Norway. This site has excellent climate maps of the United States. Feel free to check out what best suits you! http://climatemaps.co.cc