Friday, January 14, 2011

When was the last time you met an immigrant from a socialized country?

When was the last time you met an immigrant from a socialized country?
Why don't people from Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Australia, Ireland, France etc, move to America anymore? I have met several recent immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Russia, the Ukraine, Serbia, Colombia, Brazil and The Phillipnes, countries with terribly low standards of living. Recently I had friends from Sweden who' father was very well off in the entertainment business but they left the U.S. saying that it wasn't what they expected, I took this as the most polite way they could say it. I had a business aquaintence from New Zealand same story she lasted 2 years and said that America was far too expensive and dirty, and she couldn't believe that we considered ourselves the best country in the world. Two friends of mine from the Czech Republic said that America was good to make money but they would never live here otherwise saying that the people were too ignorant to hold a conversation. And I caught an interview with the heirs to Wales, when asked their opinion of the U.S. one said, "Awful". And why are many wealthy families now leaving for Singapore and Hong Kong and U.A.E.? Such as Jim Rogers, the most successful international fund manager in America, saying that the U.S. is set for a total collapse. And even Dick Cheney has purchased a retirement home in Dubai. Also it was reported that Mr. Cheney had taken up a short position on U.S. dollar investments. Is there something going on that us Americans aren't being told? Hey Paul, I don't mind leaving the U.S. there is just a couple of problems. First if I leave I have to pay 44% of my worldwide assets to the IRS. You see there is a provision in the Hero's Act passed into law this year that obliges the IRS to seize my property for leaving a so called free country. Also I have to pay taxes to the U.S. even though I would be earning and living somewhere else, the U.S. is the only country in the world with this policy. As well even though the door is wide open for any one to enter this country, other country's are very difficult to immigrate to, for example Switzerland requires you to deposit $1,000,000 into its banks and have command of 3 languages. So there fore unless you are willing to provide assistance I suppose I will be staying.
Politics - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
leave if you don't like it here
2 :
Funny you bring that last line up. I was talking to my dad the other day (who has been in real estate for over 3 decades), and he said he thinks America will make it out of this downturn, but he doesn't think we'll make it out of the next one. We have begun socializing so much that we won't be able to sustain ourselves in a downturn, and there will be near anarchy, with lots of looting and other crimes. That's just his opinion, he could be wrong. But it makes you stop and think.
3 :
I was raised half in the US and half in the UK. If I had to choose today which country to stay in I would choose the UK. Back in the 80's I choose the US. I wanted to go to college, and that was the biggest factor. But I can tell you, comparatively as far as health care, care for the elderly, politeness, decency, primary educationm the US is as backwards as any industrialized country can get. I would go home in a second if I could.
4 :
a few years ago I went to college with several. They believe the American government restricts its people to much to allow them to be happy. The ones I met were wondering where the freedom actually was. All they saw was us getting controlled from the time we wake to the time we go to sleep with the only freedom we actually enjoyed was when our eyes were closed. Their government was paying for them to go to college here, and paying them a large stipend for living expenses. they had no worries but school. It is no wonder foreign students do so well, and we have to hire them to fill positions. they thought America was all screwed up tryig to regulate the wrong things if we really wanted our people to be happy and free.
5 :
I know people that have moved here from Europe. The close friends that remained say that they pay about 60% in taxes. They have universal health care and other rich government managed programs. Immigrants move into that nation because they can live off the government. There is a lot of racial tension because of the poor that migrate there and feed and suck the life out of that country. I can only imagine what would happen here if all the liberals got their way. I prefer the true American way where you work for what you have. No free handouts.
6 :
I think sometimes that US is paranoid and must spend big chunk of its federal budget on defense and military presence... I would love to see any of the counties you have listed above spending this much on military and social programs as well... I agree, we have been a leader (or police, which ever word you prefer) of the world for so long that we forgot about our Internal affairs... Our economy is on it's knees, big part of population is uneducated and unhealthy, majority works for dimes and no one complains!!! I lived in Western Europe few years, not everything is so great there either... however standards of life are higher if you are successful. It is harder to find good professional job, job demand is high but required qualifications are much higher this there is a great competition... Listen, it is great to live anywhere if you have money, however US is land of opportunity (I hate to sound like broken record), if you put an effort, you can make it...