Sunday, November 14, 2010

Does anyone know how can I find a job in Bergen, Norway?. I'll be there 3 months with a low budget?

Does anyone know how can I find a job in Bergen, Norway?. I'll be there 3 months with a low budget?
I speek english, spanish and italian, but I don't speek norwegian (or how ever you call it). I'm 24 and all I care is about getting some money while visiting my best friend over there. I've worked as an english and spanish teacher before... I'm also a dentist... so maybe I could work as a dental assistant or something... I'm Italian (If that makes any difference)
Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Have you tried looking at job sites like or seeing if there's anything similar in Norway (or if they have a sort of affiliate site)? They may have placement services there as well like a temp agency. Try asking your best friend since he/she lives there what sort of services they may have that are similar to what I've mentioned :-) Maybe you can get work in a 'touristy' spot since you speak so many languages. Good luck! PS... bring me back some lefsa!
2 :
It's hard getting a job if you don't know Norwegian. If you're willing to take jobs which you're clearly overqualified for, there are mainly three branches which foreigner who don't know Norwegian work in Bergen: The Fishmarket (Bryggen), Guiding tourists (summertime) and construction. I don't know the chances of being a assistent dentist in Norway, as there are some requirements for speaking Norwegian for health-workers. It might be someone seeking private language lessons though. Good Luck!