Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How much would a profession like this make in norway?

How much would a profession like this make in norway?
If you happen to be a Finishing Contractor in Norway, as in freelance, would you be making a lot of money? Lets say u live outside of Oslo? Are people in this profession considered wealthy, or just have enough to feed a family of 2-3? As a Finishing contractor, and a strong believer of the Christian Faith, can he also be an elder of a church there? putting together financial and professional status...?
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You'd be around average income I think based on the wages for full time employees in construction. It will vary though as depending on the specific business they may have specialist skills, etc that command a higher premium. Depends which church he's in, not sure the church of Norway has elders, but they do have a parish council. Obviously there are other churches. I take it he speaks Norwegian as that would be a bit of a stumbling block
2 :
The pay of most jobs in Norway is fairly equal, meaning people generally earn a good living wage but few are wealthy. Taxes increase as salary increases. If you have a family, both parents usually work, as living on one wage in a country as expensive as Norway isn't ideal. I don't think the Church of Norway has elders either, but free churches usually do, although financial/professional status doesn't really play a part. Norway is statistically the least religious country in the western world though, which means you may not be satisfied with the options and community. Only 36% consider themselves religious at all, and less than 3% attend church regularly (monthly or more). I actually don't know anyone that goes to church and the figures are even lower in Oslo. As mentioned above, either of your questions would require a fluent Scandinavian language. Norwegians speak excellent English, but it's not the language of business or social life here.