Saturday, July 7, 2012

should I feel this way?

should I feel this way?
Hello. I have been feeling quite lonely these past few weeks. Actually, it's been persisting for several years, on and off. My name is Victor. I live in Southern California, with my mother. The place I live in is probably one of the whiter communities in So Cal. My mother separated from my dad when I was little. I'm guessing they felt the relationship vibe for a little while, then they just split. I noticed this happens to some interracial relationships. You see, my father is Mexican and my mother's parents come from Norway and Ireland. I guess that makes me biracial, but in the eyes of my school, I'm Hispanic. I remember one time my mother came to a student-teacher conference, and they asked where my mother was and I said that was here and they then said "Don't be silly, that's some random woman." As I said before, I live in one of the whiter communities in Southern California. I visit my dad sometimes on weekends in Lincoln Heights, a largely Mexican-American area, however the visitation is limited. I live with my mother the other times and I feel disconnected from my Hispanic counterparts. In my town, if you're Mexican, you came here to work with either a hammer or broom in your hand. My classmates make horrible jokes about people of Mexican descent and I'm the only Mexican in the grade. People don't even know my name, they just refer to me as Victor. In history class, the teacher said that Mexico was taken over by the Spaniards because the Mayans were weak. I couldn't speak up, I couldn't say anything. My mom has a decent amount of money, so we aren't as economically deprived as other Chicanos. Everyday is basically the same. Come home, sleep, eat, wake, go to the hell that is school, repeat. No fun on weekends, no one to hangout with. Now I can understand what my father was talking about when he was telling me about the Mexican experience in the United States. He told me about lots of alienation. I'm starting to think that the world is a great place if you're white. I wonder if I should leave home and try and to make it on my own. Psh. I doubt it. From what I've seen and experienced in the media, socially, and geopolitically, you whites have it better than any other minority on the planet.
Psychology - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
dude, what the hell are you talking about? being white may have some small perks but life sucks for us too on way or another
2 :
I'm sorry that you feel so out of place and get treated so poorly by some people. Let me tell you though that white people, or all people in general regardless of ethnicity, are not the same. It must be the area where you live since it is predominantly white and they are conditioned to view people a certain way. It is unfair to you but that is how life works. Everyone is discriminated against in some part of the world and unfortunately that cannot be changed. Just know that you're not alone, the people who surround you now do not represent the total white population, and you will have a chance to change things. I don't know how old you are now, but finish your eduction before you do anything else. Do the best that you can, don't let the ignorant comments phase you, be yourself and you will be fine. When you have the education and the means to move someplace else than do so, but don't just run away before you're ready. Good luck and don't let other people's ignorance get you down. And just know that being white does not necessarily make one's life easier.
3 :
If you're not out of school, you might be better off looking for things to do outside of school. Don't quit school and leave home and try to make it on your own just because you feel uncomfortable. Ask to talk to your principal and mention discrimination and prejudice when you go into that private meeting and say that you do not feel that you can get an adequate education if you are subjected to racism (trick is to name specific incidents so start writing them down.) He or she will have to stop the racist garbage or you could get ACLU involved. There are huge movements in Chicano/Latino groups and see if you can't get your mom to take you to events that they put on, on the weekends. Eventually you will be able to see that you can do things that will fight the prejudiced thinking of your classmates with help from those groups. Not everyone is prejudiced. Teenagers are just naturally cruel for a few years before you all become human again. The world is no better if you're white or not. Reach out to all the Chicano/Latino groups you can right now, they will help you come to terms with your heritage and give you ways to fight the hatred. Also, talk to your dad, but ask him how he deals with it. It's not fine that he's had to deal with alienation but just the same how did/does he deal with it? Good luck Victor. I wish you well.
4 :
Okay, first off, I have to say--you sound very intelligent, so you get kudos straight off. The first commentor was wrong; it's true that whites have it easier, because the world is very tilted (yes, even in 'modern' society). I'm white, and I totally agree with you. That does not mean that we're deserving, or that any other race is undeserving. It's just that people are idiots and some whites truly believe they are better, and try to act better, than everyone else. And I'm sorry that you feel out of sorts and out of place. That's not fair, at all. But from what I can tell, you really have the makings to break away from the 'downsides' of your racial identity (I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being Hispanic, I'm just saying that it can be harder for you, because people act as though you've got to PROVE you're worth something before you are, unlike whites--who are, apparently, worth something even if they do nothing with themselves. HA, what a joke--It's ignorant, but it's the way many people are.) Mexicans are alienated because the media gives them a bad rap, makes them out to be criminals and drug lords and the like. So many people don't even take the time to get to KNOW Hispanics, and if they did, they'd learn that they are fine people. What I'm saying is, you can do whatever you set yourself to. Trust me, you can. I'm just a sixteen year old girl, but I'm a good judge of character, and you've got your feet on the ground. Get the best education you can--that will open so many doors, and no one can shut them (no matter how ignorant they are). If you do that, I promise, you can make it on your own. Focus on your talents, find activities that you enjoy--reach out to others, even if they are jerks, and you'll get far. School can be a drag, especially when you're different. But grin and bear it. Find good friends outside of school if you must, and you won't regret it. Good luck, Victor. (Perhaps your name has more significance than you think, neh?) ~Jen
5 :
tons of people feel this way and I do have to agree to a certain extent about whites being better off, but that's just those stupid rich, old-ass MFers that take everyone else's money. A LOT of white people are doing really bad. Like my family, I go to work for me and I help my parents and give them 100 a month and I'm 16. We don't have it better off than anyone else.