Saturday, January 28, 2012

So what is it about universal health care that has everyone on red alert?

So what is it about universal health care that has everyone on red alert?
I hear people telling tall tales about how horrible Canada's system is. Just because Obama has a universal health care plan, that doesn't mean it's exactly like Canada's. France, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands all have really good health care systems. Almost every other developed nation has universal health care, and it's working in those countries. Since when does the Constitution say, "All rich men are created equally?" When more than 50 million Americans are uninsured, that's a crime against humanity. When obesity is overtaking this country at the same rate greed from the insurance companies are, there is something wrong with this picture. When more than half of the nation is overweight, and something small like the swine flu makes everyone jumpy, imagine what will happen when everyone starts getting diabetes and has no health insurance. Would you all rather sit back and watch the insurance companies milk people for every penny? So what if doctors will make $500,000 a year rather than $750,000. Their standard of living will still be better than that of 95 percent of the entire country. People should really go into medicine because they want to help others and not for the money. We have to try an unusual method about health care now because the usual method obviously isn't working. So I will ask you all again. What is it about universal health care that has everyone with their panties caught in a bind when it's worked just fine in all the other developed nations?
Politics - 17 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
that certainly was a mouthful
2 :
People don't like change. People like their current health care plans, until they are killed by them. But they like them for now.
3 :
the older you are the more unlikely you will receive care. As it goes the youngest and the most fit will get treated before anyone else. So this will leave middle aged to elderly people in the ditch. there other reasons im sure but this is a big one I've heard
4 :
We have a National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. It's not perfect, but I'd rather have the NHS than what passes for healthcare in some countries. Yes, you're right, most European countries have comprehensive healthcare as well. I can't understand why so many people in the US have a problem with that.
5 :
your right, so whats the big deal, why not just raise everyone taxes to 50% or 60% to pay for the health care and other socailsit programs. its only money, we just need to eat enough to live nothing wrong with water and vitimians, we only need basic shelter, 4 walls and a roof, who needs heat? if your fine with all that then go ahead and move to where there doing that now,
6 :
It DOESN'T work in other countries. I am from Eastern Europe, my grandmother still lives(d) there. She passed away 5 months ago. She went to the doctor 2 days before she died, but she didn't bring a nice enough "present" for the doctors, so they wouldn't see her. She was complaining of pain in her arm and chest. She went and bought them more presents for the next day, but again.....the presents weren't nice enough, so they wouldn't see her again. She passed away the next day from a heart attack. Universal health care does not mean fairy dust and unicorns, it will not work in a country with so many people..... Our government can take simple measures to make the problem up state lines (I live in California and only have 6 companies to choose from, but there are 1300 total!). Pass a law requiring insurance companies cannot stop coverage of someone with a lethal condition, open medicaid up to people with preexisting conditions and make them pay on a sliding scale based on wages.... Those are SIMPLE tasks that would cure a lot of the problem, without having to overhaul the entire system. Why complicate it?
7 :
Thats what CNN told you. I suggest you make some friends with people from other countries like I have done and ask them why they moved to America? It's not about Health Care anyway. It is about complete government take-over by first pre-conditioning us to believe that socialized medicine is the way to go when in fact has been a failure in every country that has used this system!
8 :
America is a free country, 400% tax on tobacco products is not freedom, it is discrimination against a minority, and like you said obesity is taking over this country, so is alcoholism, so that means anything we consume that is considered a health risk should have a 400% health tax on it, unless of course you are in the majority who support discrimination, and you might as well just make fast food and restaurants that serve anything but yogurt and tofu illegal. That is not the only reason, health care isn't going to be free, at least 15% more of your pay check is going to be taxed to support this insurance, on top of that programs will be continuously cut to make it more cost efficient, they have already begun doing it, and everyone will have premiums and co-pays which will make it so more than 50% of Americans still won't be able to take advantage of it even though they are paying for everyone else's while having their rights restricted and bringing in way less income while the cost of living raises at an alarming rate. No way am I going to support such nonsense. I'd rather go without health care and be able to enjoy living while I can. ;-)
9 :
First , very few doctors make the kind of money you are assuming they do. Only a very select few "Hot Shot"surgeons make that kind of money. Second, do you really want your health in the hands of the lowest bidder ? Canada and France aside , our Govt has proven very well that they aren't capable of running a system effectively or efficiently, Am Track, The Post Office, Medicare , Social Security are continually on the brink of financial collapse. The constitution says nothing about a right to free medical care, It does say you have the right to pursue it if you wish , but not to demand it on your terms from someone else. And just who are you to say someone should devote hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of college for the benefit of others alone ? People should be compensated for their effort , skill and dedication. It's not everyone who has the balls to finish medical school.
10 :
do you really trust the government to take care of you? It also seems like you want to blame everything on the "rich man" Depending on the government to take of us won't empower us. It only makes people weak and whiny with the expectation of getting everything for free. Government interference in our lives will also impoverish us and I don't mean financially. Dependence is slavery and Independence is freedom. Freedom does NOT come free. Our country had to pay a high price for the liberties we enjoy today. Why let the government take it all away from us? Universal health care is just another step for our administration to grab power and control.
11 :
The majority of Americans have (or rather they think they have) satisfactory health insurance, and have never had to face the issue of a medical expense that would bankrupt them, yet. Additionally, most Americans get their health insurance through their employers which cannot be denied due to pre-existing conditions. So, because of this they are afraid of change. Additionally, there are some that are just against it because it goes against their political principles.
12 :
Nice rant. Who made fat people fat? Why should I be forced to pay the consequences when someone else can't put the Twinkie down? What gives them the right to make me a slave to their CHOICES? Swine flu doesn't make "everyone jumpy". I'm ignoring the government's line and living my life as a healthy member of society just to p*** off the government. I would like to see me pay for my health care (I do) and you pay for yours. Health care is not some "right" handed down on a stone tablet. No "right", exercised by one person, can put any obligation or responsibility on another person. What should be the top limit on how much a medical practitioner can make? Who died and made you the great decider of this? Can you also decide, arbitrarily, how much anyone else can make? How much can I make at my job? How many of the ALLEGED "50 million" uninsured (everyone seems to have a different number for some reason) are here illegally and deserve nothing more than a boot in the keester as they are sent back to whatever country they deserted to invade America? How many have made a decision to not have insurance because they can afford to live without it? Since when does the Constitution of the United Sates say, "The working, healthy taxpayers are responsible to pay for the bad choices and decisions of the unhealthy people."? "Health care" is never mentioned in the constitution so the Tenth Amendment PROHIBITS the federal government from interfering. Here in America we still have something called FREEDOM and we choose to exercise it - especially in an area as important as our health care.
13 :
I know people say that, but if that was really the case, why have the populations of these democracies never voted to get rid of the system? FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing the American people FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and in Switzerland
14 :
I don't buy this but they hysteria has been generated by the GO, Big Pharma. Fear of socialism, putting people out of business, and insensitivity to business interests, and also people's gullibity. Answers can be found in Michael Moores Crazy.
15 :
One of the biggest problems here is that people don't understand the difference between government-sponsored and government-subsidized, between socialism and communism, or between option and mandate. The public OPTION is there for people who do not or can not get private insurance. It is not universal in the same way as Canada or France, where you are insured by default. The public option being discussed still requires you to pay premiums and co-pays, but it is a lower cost than private insurers and helped by our taxes. As a word of advice, look up Medicare and its approval ratings. This public OPTION would not require you to switch off of your private insurance. I remember a town hall meeting where someone asked "well if you make this public option, will you come off of your government 'cadillac' insurance?" This was a total misstatement of what the bill proposes, as if the public option existed, it would be there for when the "cadillac" insurance refused coverage or was lost through other means. Another problem is that people have radically different views of the government and its role, but often like to select when to have these views. For instance, I would be willing to bet good money that a majority of these people against health care reform are against abortion. They say "government stay out of my life!" but then they say "government get in other people's lives and stop abortions!", and they don't see the hypocrisy inherent to that situation. They say "government stay out of our businesses!" but then they beg for the bailout (don't let them obfuscate the truth on who wanted that, by the way. Every stockholder wanted their banks to stay in business). The idea of a government is to provide core needs that are integral to leading a safe and happy life. The military, fire departments, and police exist for our safety and protection. Our roads and infrastructure exist for our travel convenience. All of these things we take for granted. The government has money set aside for safety nets in the form of welfare, SSI, food stamps, cash aid, and Medicare. All of these things require money. As with any service, we pay for its usage. In government, we pay in the form of taxes. Higher taxes mean more benefits from a central, consolidated source. Some people advocate a stronger government; higher taxes, but more benefits. That's less checks to write each month, and less people to scramble between when something breaks down. Some people advocate a smaller government; lower taxes, less benefits, and more benefits in the hands of private companies. That's more checks to write each month (for the same amount, let's say), and some would argue that it's more secure, as each private company is unrelated, so one failing doesn't affect all of your benefits. There are strong advantages to both, but only if we assume that there is a strong bottom line money level. A smaller government where the people pay for things out of pocket works fine if there is a small divide between the owning class and the working class. In America's skewed capitalist system, this divide is hugely disproportionate, and until that schism is addressed, we need the government to cover our core needs. P.S. I know this response was a little rambling, and I apologize. I'm a bit tired and very distracted right now :(
16 :
1st we have to be honest, Obama has put out no plan and that is probably the problem. We are the last ones to get real about taking care of our people and Republicans simply do not want that to happen, especially if it is done under an Obama administration after all these years of failure. They are very mean people, and they will do or say anything to keep America from becoming a true multicultural nation, this is their true fear.
17 :
I have never heard anyone from Canada say their insurance is bad. I have had many conversations with Canadians about this....I remember even going to Niagra Falls & ordering a pizza & waiting for it. The cashier told me that she would be poor if she didn't have health insurance. Then she actually said she was considered poor but life was good cause she knew if she broke her leg she would go to the hospital & not have to worry about a bill. So when bad things happen like a broken leg she still knew she would be OK.