Saturday, January 7, 2012

if you met susan B anthony?

if you met susan B anthony?
if you had the opportunity to meet susan B anthony what would you do or say to her? I would capture and cage her. then I would hot glue some feathers on her. I would feed her scraps that were not even good enough for my dogs. then I would grow a long black moustache and buy a top hat and a walking stick. I would chain her cage on the back of a flat bed pickup truck and travel from town to town letting people gauk at her for 5 bucks a pop. or throw popcorn at her for 7 bucks. i would yell in a boisterous bellowing voice. " come one come all, see the bird girl of norway! " children would cry and people would boo her and throw popcorn at her and I would make 7 bucks everytime someone did. when the crowd got too rilled up and loud I would calmly lean over to the cage and whisper " can you vote your way out of an iron cage? " then she would cry and I would laugh triumphantly and twirl my moustach. when I made enough money i would buy a monkey with an acordian. what would you guys do? first 2 answers suck balls.
Gender Studies - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Susan Who?
2 :
I would hug her.and squeel like a little girl talk with her... learn from her.. and say " Thank you. Thank you...Because of women like you..I know my 2 neices will grow up knowing what true equality is. That if they are in a bad relationship when they get older it is ok to leave it...that will be protected under law. That they have the right to vote if they so choose too." Many ppl will say..that you are a feminist if you believe in equality...Well im not a feminist..I do not need that label to define who I am. Because frankly....I can identify with both non feminism and pro i really choose the label of neither. I am just Me. ( you would know about sucking balls now wouldnt you?)
3 :
This is so bad it is funny. I guess I would have seven fewer dollars.
4 :
I would kiss her feet.
5 :
I would give her a piece of my mind about her giving women rights but leaving men out.
6 :
Dude, Susan B Anthony designed the first American flag.....f*ck tard! She wasn't some pro-woman's rights a history book!