Monday, April 7, 2014

Why is there concrete on the ground?

Why is there concrete on the ground?
Hi, I have been traveling trough many cities before, but when I went to places like Thailand & Norway I saw huge areas of land that had no buildings or parking lots, no concrete at all (not even wooden boards, gravel or nothing!) I am not sure what an area like this is called, so I will name it gigantic-park and it had some beautiful things to look at. Why can we not have more gigantic-parks around? I am sure that we can make a effective public transport system with modern technology that goes together with nature. They could make it free and people would not need their cars. Humans could live in gigantic-parks and work with nature, not for power, money and personal gain.
Philosophy - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
why not, thats like asking why stop hitler or why go to the moon. you gotta think about these things
2 :
Because they are a 3rd world country and can not afford to keep their countries.
3 :
Because it won't hold in the air. The Romans tried but it just kept falling to the ground, so there it stayed.
4 :
Parks are nice, but I don't like walking in mud when I'm going to the store so sidewalks are a necessity.