Saturday, March 1, 2014

why are most american's anti sociliasim?

why are most american's anti sociliasim?
yet defend a system that gives 98% of the population nothing? the average american's life is in shambles and is very sad to me. overweight, half the times divorced, kids who are brought up with no morals or are to religious. people who dont think, and a 250k to 350k dollar house. which is the max they can afford, most people are not rich yet defend a system in hopes they will get rich. I am only 18 but i have traveled a lot already. And on top of that my parents make enough to be considered in the top 2-5% for income level. they also several million in property from homes to condo's and a ranch. As do most of my father's side of the family. I am sure to be handed down all of this and i hope to be a top lawyer earning top dollar. So of course i would not be infavor of a system that would hope to Tax me more. But for 98% of other American's they are under the impression their lives will change more and that they are infact freer than those evil "Socialist Scandinavians" i have however traveled a fair amount to norway and sweden and denmark. i got family in norway and the women are so gorgeous and people are so happy and carefree, their and in denmark its just outstanding. They dont have huge religous nut population's and they arent violent at all. you dont hear about child molestors really at all. i just dont see much negativty their. However with said its very hard to become "Rich in those countries" but its not like it maters anyways most people are happy anyways and live in the major's cities, and are carefree when it comes to having to not pay for college, they land jobs that provide them with enough money for homes and everything. Their Old, are taken care of. very few people are in poverty compared to the USA, almost no homeless, and very little divorce because people marry a lot later. Only negatives i can think of its a terrible place to live if you dont want to be taxed and if your wealthy. and on top of that the chance of you becoming a pro athlete in something or being a famous business man is unlikely but its just as unlikely in the USA its just that in USA it can happen but it dosent happen to 99.9% of people in the world or the USA as 99.9% of people are not rich. If you however are "religious" than i wouldnt recomend those countries to you. But they are very safe, its just your kids likely wont grow up and be religous and will likely be sexually active at an earlier age and use more drugs than say the "Good american kids who are conservative and may be in Band, orchestra, drama etc etc" but with that said their are always that Half of the kids in any school who are more active in such actives than others. So yes i am not implying that the USA does not have sexually promiscuous kids, im just implying kids have sex at a later age in the USA on average and especially if they are raised religious. "Saying im christian but not being actually raised devote does not count" im talking the kids who really are and have those set "Morals" So yes i am failing to realize why the average joe is so in favor of the "Corporate america" which does nothing to benefit their likely failed life with being overweight, in debt with the bank, 4 credit cards, kids who forgive my grammar i typed this fast.
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
im way to lazy to read that but when americans are anti-anything they don't really no what it is they just believe what they're told i have met someone who claimed to be antidemocratic and then they went on to say what government they think is the best and described democracy i think americans are kind of brainwashed but if you tell them that they'll say no...'cause they were told they weren't
2 :
because they've never studied it & just parrot what others say about it to appear astute
3 :
Thanks for that self-loathing wall of text, but from skimming it I'll tell you what I think: Americans are free. Free to be fat, free to be in debt, free to be sheeple who follow the herd without questioning why. At the end of it all, it is better to be a prisoner in an invisible cell than to be able to see the bars clearly.