Why do Americans look at socialism as a bad thing?
Sure, a country that is entirely socialist is similar to communism, none of us want that. But socialized health care and education are excellent. Just look at the list of the top ten nations with the highest standard of living. Norway Sweden Canada Belgium Australia United States Iceland Netherlands Japan Finland The U.S. is only number 6! And guess what else? Every single nation on that list has socialized health care! Every single one! So clearly the nations with some socialist values are doing the best in the world. Somehow the U.S. managed to make its way onto the lower half of that list. If we gradually adopted socialized health care and education and gave up the middle east wars for oil we could eventually become like Canada. I don't mind paying 15% sales tax if it means that my entire family can have medical treatment and an education for free. So why do Americans act like socialism is evil? CAPITALISM is evil! Why should your government be entirely centered around money? Now, I don't think Obama is a socialist but he does have some policies that are similar to socialism and I am all for them! To the person who said capitalism made the U.S. the greatest country in the world: If its the greatest, why is it only #6 on the list for standard of living? To the person who referenced Hitler: Hitler was socialist but I'm not saying we should become 100% socialist. I'm saying take some socialist ideas, like healthcare and education, and apply them in a free society. Just because some socialists went bad doesn't make all of the principles of socialism bad too. To the person who said that the other countries are bankrupting themselves: Um, what about our trillion dollar deficit and failing stock market? We're doing worse than they are! Houses in foreclosure...lack of availiable credit... come on, WE are bankrupting ourselves. "Because not all of us are daddy's little princess who has a trust fund. Some of us want a piece of the pie, too, and not your grubby little scraps from your banquet table. Do you have a brain?" Uhm, I think you're confused. Socialism spreads the wealth between the rich and poor. Capitalism leaves the wealthy in control of most of the economy. You clearly do not understand socialism.
Politics - 25 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Some of the best examples of the success of socialism is right here in the United States. We've built the worlds most powerful military from it. Our highway system is as marvelous and magnificent as the Great Wall of China or the Egyptian Pyramids. Our public school system has put man on the moon and eradicated some of the worlds most dreaded diseases. The best government is woven by the best threads from all ideals.
2 :
because the right swamps them with propaganda and they eat it up
3 :
And compare their medical care to ours. Big difference.
4 :
We have socialized education now and it's anything but excellent.
5 :
Those countries are bankrupting themselves. Socialism cannot sustain itself for very long.
6 :
Capitalism is evil?? Capitalism is what made this country the greatest country on Earth.......sure, purely evil! LMAO
7 :
um aren't you a bright one, Look up Hitler, he was socialist too until they changed the name to the Nazis party. the Jews will love Obama after he converts us
8 :
Um, because Socialism is a bad thing. The Government can't run a damn thing, and socialized medicine and education is atrocious. Capitalism is the only way to go.
9 :
I don't know, this is a good question and one that I have been asking myself. I think some degree of socialism is a good thing. I think we need more of a blend of economic theories and practices, not just capitalism. I think that the competitive nature of capitalism is good and has helped keep as on top for many years but there needs to be more social programs as well.
10 :
Big deal. You wouldn't want to live in Norway, Sweden, Canada, Belgium, Australia, (Belgium again for emphasis), Japan or Finland. Iceland might be OK. And the Netherlands maybe. Countries which are not on the list which have socialised health care include Malta, Cuba, a lot of African countries, and the UK. Health care does not work in any of those (with the exception of the UK, where it mostly does, but not as well as they make out.)
11 :
Socialism leads to communism. Pick up a history book. The USA has lost a LOT of lives by defending democracy and trying to defeat communism. Why would we ever welcome either of the two in this country when sio many have died to rid other countires of it?? I'm sick of this question and the brainless people who think it's okay to steal from those who work hard and give it to those who do nothing. France is trying to escape the grasp of socialism right now because they have no motivation to invest in business or to invent new technologies and they're falling behind in every category becauase socialism= no incentive to work hard. It's not good to teach people that the harder you work, that's just more that gets taken away from you.
12 :
Because not all of us are daddy's little princess who has a trust fund. Some of us want a piece of the pie, too, and not your grubby little scraps from your banquet table. Do you have a brain?
13 :
Well we already have socialized education but I agree with you. The problem is too many Americans have been programmed with the idea that everything socialist is bad. Its unfortunate that they don't realize that most of America is socialized. The roads, power, sewers, airports, military, police, fire, even some farms.
14 :
Go live there. Keep America capitalist. Norway is the world's 3rd largest oil producer, and has a population of just over 4 million. That's how Socialism works. It won't work here.
15 :
Obama will not start and is not for socialized health care. He wants to force employers of small business to pay for Health Insurance. And if they cannot then you can buy into and pay for out of your own pocket a health care plan. Everyone thinks that Obama is going to give them the world.
16 :
You do not have a clue what Socialism is, do you? You are operating on a false premise. All you need to do is study the workers paradises of the old Soviet Union, East Germany and look at that Garden of Eden to our south called Cuba to see Socialism at its best. Remember that East Germany had to erect a wall to keep citizens "in" because it was such a wonderful place to live and work
17 :
A slave was well kept. The slave had good food. The slave had nice living quarters. The slave had medical care. The slave was not overworked and never did without. But in the end, the slave was still a slave. Socialism is a form of slavery and all slavery is evil.
18 :
Basic socialism. You have twenty dollars in your pocket that you worked for. You have to give half of it too me, because I want it. Even though I am too lazy to work myself. That is what osama wants to do.
19 :
Problem is primarily that people are not educated on social ideals and mislabel socialism along with Stalin, Hitler and N. Korea. This breeds fear, panic and spreads misunderstanding. If people really knew what socialism was about they would not be so scared. The U.S. will never become a communist country (which is what most people are afraid of) and a few social ideals here and there could really help the U.S.
20 :
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"- Winston Churchill
21 :
Obama doesn't say how socialistic he is going to be!!! How will he abuse his power? We don't know. He has no record! He has been caught in lies! I can't believe him if he says he isn't a follower of Rev. Wright's ideas, or Bill Ayers, or the plo supporter. I am not against a caring society, but American people give to the charity of their choice. Obama gave something like 3% of his income to charity. I make 30,000 and give a lot more than that. I don't need Obama telling me who to give to. The world depends on America to give and we can because of our capitalism. If Obama had a record of honesty and integrity, and told me how socialistic he wanted to go....then I would seriously consider him for President, but he doesn't and won't, so no thanks. I think he is running the biggest con in our history, and we will wake up and he will have control of the military and us.
22 :
I agree with the person above me ( harry). Socilised health care isnt bad and depends on how one government runs the ideas of socialism, it can be good or bad. Australia health care is excellent and it is socialised as you stated There has been recently this guy called Murdoch from America gave a lecture on our welfair system and says Australia is heading the wrong path. Just because we have extensive and higher welfare for our citizens. Capitalism is great for the economy, but Capitalism also widens the gap between the rich and the poor ( and no where else in the world except America is the biggest example of this - 5% of the US population controls 95% of the economy - how is this good , I wonder ? ). Even in my university, there have been lots of conferences and visited seminars on socialism and what it really is. It certainly did not sound as " evil and screwed up " as people think/ or are made to think it is. The AUS goverment tried to sell the health care systemt to private companies and this encountered great criticism and opposes from the australian people. However , we have to follow double-tax system which is quite high. The higher the salary, the higher the tax , 100,000 AUD income earns about 40% tax. But something has got to give, thats why we have great health care benefits where the govt ( taxpayers ) pay most of the time and subsidies and medical schemes are very welcome and effective in Australia.Almost all Australians have govt funded medicare card. Dcotors do not turn patients away if the patients dont have a " private " medi card.
23 :
First of Hitler was not a socialist, that's simply wrong. He used the name, that's it There's a good explanation about that issue in my answer here. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ajrocq3pTl8lBdGbUjgUXPfty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081030110028AAs8hyQ&show=7#profile-info-1RZSUSMRaa Now to answer your question. Socialism has been demonized during the cold war and linked to the atrocities of stalinsim. Americans fear any leftward movement and the hard right would prefer to see any government program abolished. They are social darwinists who see the paranoia of Americans about socialism as an ally to make the USA even more free market fundementalist. Universal healthcare exists in every industrialized country except the US, that's not socialism. The GOP and McCain know they're lying when they call Obama a socialist. McCain is not confused, he's deliberately lying. When asked directly he acknowledged Obama isn't a socialist admitting this is just another line to distract voters of the issues that are important to them. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-2ZGnM2oku8 Some 160 years ago, Karl Marx wrote, "A specter is haunting Europe, the specter of communism." He was describing the mood of fear and trepidation in the European ruling classes on the eve of the great revolutionary wave of 1848, even though the number of conscious revolutionary socialists was still a relative handful. If the specter of socialism today haunts the American ruling class, despite decades in which socialism has been subjected to an unrelenting campaign of slander and vilification, it is likewise because the profit system faces a new period of revolutionary upheaval. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2008/oct2008/pers-o23.shtml
24 :
America today is a combination of many different ''isms''..If one were to asked to define America.. I would say we are a country which purports CAPITALISM,,but is backed by the government.. Eg., What is the govt. doing right now with American taxpayers money,,if not bailing out the greedy capitalist who have put America and even the WORLD at risk to bankruptcy,,because of their greed !! And cry Govt..is the problem !! Yet,,who do they RUN to,,to correct their greed?? What America NEEDS is Capitalistic Socialism !! Pure and simple..The best of the things which America has provided its citizens,,and the world for generations,,thru taxes and proper ''watchdog attitudes towards big business,,and the upkeep of America and the providing of services and education which made America what it has BEEN in the past.. Its when Big Business is allowed to BUY the Govt. thru Big Businesses Lobbyists,,and the Big Business Party takes TOTAL control of the country,,and does what it pleases,,is when you get what America is now going through !! We the People have allowed this to happen,,and the results are catastrophic !! The only people who are satisfied with what America is now,,is those who RAPED us,,and HAVE all those profits secured in bank accounts and out of the country,,while taxpayers are left to clean up their mess..Yet,,even with that,,they still don't want to pay taxes to fix the roads,,repair the infrastrurcture,,and even provide PUBLIC EDUCATION..Thats why they want vouchers..ANYTHING THATS A SOCIAL ENTERPRISE,,they despise !!Social Security,,they would love to privatize that and medicare !! With out social programs,,And assistance to those who DON'T have the silver spoon in their mouths,,the average person would NEVER get the chance to make it,,OR even have a security parachute of SS in their retirement years..Think About it !! Obama wouldn't have gotten where he is today,,without the systems of assistance in place in America when he was coming up.. And Health care has become obscenly expensive,,due to insurance companies greed !! Its all about Businesses takeover of our country,,and what WE THE PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO SWALLOW !! SOLOMON
25 :
Why, indeed? I think because the word itself evokes fear that freedoms that make our lives comfortable will be taken away. Socialism is not a concept that is really understood or taught as a viable form of government. People do not realize that social security and many other federal programs are a form of socialism which do work. It is ignorance. Thanks for this posting.