Thursday, February 28, 2013

I live in Texas but want to move to Berlin Germany?

I live in Texas but want to move to Berlin Germany?
Ok, I am 19 and wanting to start a new life! I quit my job as a stage hand and Rhodie because my boss is a perv and had a crush on me! but anyways, i have no source on income. So i am going to get a job as a bar tender or something that makes a decent amount of money and tips! I am going to save all that money for an apartment, my parents even said that they would help out the first couple months! But is anyone on here from germany? if so can you tell me what its like, i have only been to Denmark and Sweden! I love the German language, and i have been studying it for a while, but want to speak it fluently! i am tied of the USA! I love going to new places. I am actually part german, norwegian and italian, my dad was born in oslo norway as well! But back on the topic, I have been doing research over Berlin, looking at apartments, I don't care where it is as long as it is near Berlin or Hamburg! Does anyone know of any good apartments over there, with a good descent price, for a one person, and one bed room? I would appreciate anything right now! i just want to get out of here lol! I cant join the Military for health reasons! My dad wants to move back to Sweden.
Other - Germany - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
then you should follow your heart
2 :
Believe your heart and instinct, see what your friends say. The u.s. is a great place but so is germany.
3 :
check the intenet like everyone else does (no direspect)
4 :
your not a kid anymore, so if you want to move to germany then do it. i would love to move there too. im a huge history buff. hope you can speak german. go online and look for local newspapers from germany, they will probably have a section of rental apartments and stuff. most newspapers do. good luck in germany. :)
5 :
I can't help you with the apartments, but I can suggest a good program for learning German. Try looking on Google for the Rosetta Stone program, my mom knew someone who used it to learn English and they were surprised at how easy & fun the program was. The program is on the expensive side, but if you're planning to move to Germany and want to become fluent, it's probably worth the investment. Also, Rosetta stone has a free web community where you can make friends with people from other countries and practice speaking eachother's languages via audio chat. See my source links for more information.
6 :
You haven't thought this through. You need a VISA and it will expire forcing you to move back. Go take a vacation to scratch that itch. You issues are not with the location your in they are with you. No matter where you move you will have new and similar issues. Also in countries like Germany where jobs are limited they don't like to give the good ones to us yanks. I suggest you join the military. They will send you to new and exotic places where you can observe then shoot the locals.
7 :
If you want to move to Germany and do not mind a little bit of a strict life style then I'd suggest going into the Army or Air Force. You can request (but that doesn't mean you will get it) to be stationed in Germany or Europe. Once there keep on extending your time at the duty station (which is not that hard to do), and when you get out of the military after your 3 or 4 years then tell them that you want to move to either Berlin or Hamburg. If you have a good person working at the military transitioning place then the military would pay for you to move all your belongings to an apartment in one of those cities. Once in a European duty station you can pretty easily tour most of Western Europe by train or car, and living in those countries you can fully immerse yourself the local language.
8 :
Hey Sammy, I'm also 19 yrs old and living in Germany now =) But if you want to move to Germany, you absolutely must learn German. People might say that you can get by with just English, and that's true, for a tourist. Without German, it will be almost impossible to get anything done (dealing with visa, finding a place to live, getting around, being able to get a job... etc...). In addition, its not exactly to work here as a non-eu citizen. And the unemployment rate is quite high (compared to the US) in Germany, particularly in the east. Berlin is between 10-15% I think. I don't want to discourage you from moving here though, because its an amazing country and a great experience to live abroad. But you really need to look deeply into this to be able to pull it off. Learning german is the best place to start :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

what is the most expensive big city on earth?

what is the most expensive big city on earth?
In my opinion,here are the cities that would cost you lots of money while you were making a visit or even (probably in your case)living for couple years: (FYI:this list is based on my view as a tourist not a permanent resident) Let's starting from the top: 1.Zurich (Switzerland) 2.Helsinski (Finlandia,EU) 3.Oslo(Norwegia) 4.Tokyo(Japan) 5.London(UK,EU) 6.New York(USA) Well, i've ever been there and those countries are beautiful and amazing but,always makes you feel bad afterwards.haha.. cause,i don't want to go home by only wearing my pants! kidding.. Anyway,what's in your mind? anyone knows the complete,updated and reliable source of the expensive cities in the world?i've been looking all over the place,but still never could find the website for this kind of stuff. i love travel,and it could be a very nice guide for tourist.
Other - Destinations - 2 Answers
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1 :
how about Pekan Gambang in Pahang?
2 :
There you got a list it is Tokyo

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cheney and his daughters are compared to a Greek family do you agree?

Cheney and his daughters are compared to a Greek family do you agree?
There is something Greek about the Cheney family’s obsessive persecution of President Obama. Ancient Greek, that is. It recalls the vindictive persecution of the House of Atreus by the Furies in Aeschylus’ great trilogy of tragic plays, The Oresteia. The Cheneys’ Fury-like pursuit of Obama is relentless, irrational, and unforgiving. First Dick Cheney, on three separate occasions, declares that Obama is making the country more vulnerable to terrorist attack, accuses the president of using the economic crisis as a pretext to expand the government, and agrees with a conservative talking head that Obama is “telegraphing weakness” to the terrorists. Like the Furies, the Cheneys stand for unreason and emotionalism. Revenge is their milk and their meat. Then his eldest daughter, Liz, proposes on Fox News that in the wake of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, the president send the mother of a fallen soldier to Oslo to accept the award on behalf of the U.S. military—as if it was Obama, and not her father, whose stupidity and greed has sent thousands of Americans to their death in Iraq. And recently, Cheney’s youngest daughter, Mary, announced the creation of an international consulting firm that will, no doubt, facilitate any and all opposition to the slightest Obama initiative. And just this past Wednesday there was Dick Cheney himself, the chief Fury, publicly accusing Obama of putting at risk American troops in Afghanistan by “dithering,” charging that Obama is “afraid to make a decision,” and saying that the president is endangering the American “homeland.” Cheney’s public belittling of Obama, his near-seditious claims that Obama is working against the country’s best interests and allowing America’s enemies to gain the upper hand—such vengeful attacks by a previous vice president, let alone by any former high elected official, against a sitting president are without precedent. You feel that in Cheney’s grim zeal he is not simply refusing to leave the stage, but reliving his glory days fighting the good Manichaean fight against absolute evil—this time against a president who is, in Cheney’s mind, the moral extension of the shadowy terrorists he pursued while commandeering the White House. Then, too, perhaps Cheney was so used to bending to his will the emotional weakling he served under for so long that his drubbing of Obama is simply the only way he knows how to relate to a president. There is something primitive—something along the lines of magical thinking—about the way the former vice president projects his psyche onto reality. For Aeschylus, the Furies represented, in fact, a primitive age, where unreason ruled and vengeance was the only form of legal redress. Rational justice had yet to be born. The Furies were personifications of the murdered dead, who wreaked their revenge on the murderers. Such wild, lethal doomfulness seems to be Dick Cheney’s native element. The primal sin of the House of Atreus, which aroused the Furies’ centuries-long vindictive wrath, was Tantalus’ murder of his son, Pelops, whom he tried to serve up to the unwitting gods. Resurrected by the gods, Pelops has a son whom he names Atreus, and Atreus repeats the family curse. He kills his half-brother to get his money and then murders and serves up as dinner his brother Thyestes’ children to Thyestes as payback for the latter’s adultery with Atreus’ wife. From then on, the descendants of the House of Atreus turn on and murder each other in an endless cycle of revenge: father kills daughter, wife kills husband, son kills mother. Yet in the final moments of Aeschylus’ trilogy, Athena breaks the power of the Furies and votes to acquit Orestes of the crime of killing his mother (who had murdered Orestes’ father). Thus Athena replaces unreason with reason, and revenge with the spirit of clemency. Like the Furies, the Cheneys stand for unreason and emotionalism. Revenge is their milk and their meat. Obama’s Age of Reason—the advent of Athena—drives them into a rage, which in turn impels them to pursue Obama relentlessly to punish him for his crimes against what their hearts know to be true.
Elections - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Excellent analogy! Cheney and his misfit children are attempting to elevate the failed legacy of the Bush/Cheney era. And you are right, it was the stupidity and greed of Bush/Cheney that put our children in harms way in Iraq...a war that should never have been, a war that both lied about. The Bush/Cheney administration will go down in history as one of the worst administrations. Republicans of Cheney's era will not survive the 21st century. The American people are not stupid...they see through his constant goading and innuendos. It is professional jealousy at play!
2 :
You are right, but its not like republican will care to listen to truth.
3 :
Well, first off let's attribute the writer -- Lee Seigel of "The Daily Beast", not known as a right-leaning website. That said, Lee Seigel is a tool. And so is his waste of internet space writing this. It should come with a warning: "Do not operate heavy machinery after reading this." Lee tried desperately to come off sounding artsy and sophisticated, but failed miserably. Instead he ended up sounding like Leo Gorcey of The Bowery Boys, just using big words out of context to try and impress the reader. And let's not let little things like "facts" stand in the way of boring the reader, either. [Quote] Cheney’s public belittling of Obama, his near-seditious claims that Obama is working against the country’s best interests and allowing America’s enemies to gain the upper hand—such vengeful attacks by a previous vice president, let alone by any former high elected official, against a sitting president are without precedent.[/quote] Oh, really, Lee? Did you forget about Former Vice President Al Gore's rant that President Bush "Betrayed" the country by using 9/11 as a reason to invade Iraq? I guess that little speech on Feb 8th, 2004 by a previous vice-president against a sitting president doesn't count, does it Lee? Sound advice to Lee -- Give it up. And when your IQ hits 50, Sell.
4 :
Cheney and his Daughter are idiots, war criminals and dangerous to our country. They should be imprisoned and waterboarded. Both of them. Got it already?
5 :
The Cheneys are all nuts.
6 :
We have a president ( a stupid one) that can't shut up about a previous administration. When you keep calling people out they come out. This is only one reason why this president is going to be a complete disaster for his party, his chosen race, and the country who's constitution he swore to uphold. I think the press is beginning to see what he really is and how much damage they have done.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Should i hate my mom for this?

Should i hate my mom for this?
Hey, I'm a 16-year old boy from Norway, living in Oslo. Here's the "rules" my mom gives me: [1] Always 1 hour (or more) physical activity EVERY day. [2] I have to wash all the floors in our 3-stories tall house twice a week, plus drying dust (or whatever it's called) [3] I have to make dinner at least twice a week. I have friends and all, but mostly I play on my laptop (We actually do have wireless, but she doesn't know. She thinks I'm playing an offline game. BUT don't be distracted by it, what she thinks is most important for considering who's "side" you're on..) For the 1st rule, I'd like to add that walking does not count. If I've been to school and have had no gymnastics, I have to run around a water near our house for an hour. Rain/snow/even ice? She doesn't care. I can't fake it, cause I have to take pictures with my phone, and bla bla. Just not possible faking. I've tried… For the 2nd rule: If there is a SINGLE little piece of anything at all on the floor when I've washed, she will get furious. She is never happy, even if I've done it perfectly. Same with the 3rd rule, if I fail in any way while making the dinner, she gets furious. And she's never happy. And here are the punishments i get / have gotten for being "disobeying" [1] I do not have access internet (well, she doesn't give me access and thats the point!), from now on and for the next 4 years. Hardly anything I do can change this, and if it changes, it's maybe by a day or two (she counts) [2] If I'm not in physical activity 1 hour a day she takes my laptop to work for 2 days. I bought it fo my own money (which was NOT from her) for about 2.2000 euros. [3] Not really a punishment, but she's angry with me almost all the time. And here's one of the things that piss me off the most: I have a brother at the age of 14. He does not have ANY demands at ALL. He does not do a single thing in the house (I have to wash his room). He once threatened me with a real knife. He held it half an inch from my throat. Ever since, it's been cold between us. I'm not very strong, and he is (considering his age). But we've fought some times since the knife episode and just because I'm older i guess i have a little "technical advantage". He starts it every time (yeah, like you haven't heard that one before, but you'll just have to believe me). In the worst episode after the knife, he needed 3 stiches in the back of his head. That time it started with me taking the remote and he instantly punching me in the face, breaking my glasses. Well, he asked for it. He's the one with the bad temper, so don't go on about any "rage management" for me :) Mom knows of the knife episode, and still even though my bro does nothing in the house and he has no demands (he gets the internet etc) she's always happy and frieldy to him. I know jealousy is bad, but come ON!? I just finished the 3rd of 3 years in… dunno what it is in english, but we have 7 years of "children school" and then 3 years of "youth school" (whereI i just finished) and then 2-3-5 new years, depending on what you want to become. Overall grades I'm the 2nd best in all the school with an average of 5.35 (scales are from 1-6). She doesn't care. The school has about 500 ppl. Well, I tried making it short… If you really bothered reading through all this, thanks alot. But if you're gonna say that I'm a spoiled brat: Compared to other Norwegian teenagers, I'm given more demands, WAY less rewards, and WAYY more punishment. And I also probably forgot something, but this'll do.
Family - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
didnt finish reading this but u need to STAND UP TO HER... n u should never hate ur moommy (:
2 :
Poor you! You are SO hard done by. NOT.
3 :
LOL and who cleans you poo poo everyday when your a little baby
4 :
I'm not going to tell you if you should hate YOUR mother or not. However, if it was MY mother. Yes, I probably would hate her.
5 :
Do you have the equivalent of social services in Norway? Even if you do, you should be telling this to real people in real life. As many as you can. Hopefully, adults. The cleaning and punishments, while not fair, will make you stronger and more disciplined. But the knife? Na, draw the line there. Someone needs to know. Now.
6 :
First of all, moms can be that cruel(I would know im 15) They always seem to have an excuse but to us its nothing. I'm sorry that you mom is babying your brother that good. I feel that way with my two brothers. Mom makes me do things around the house(literally for nothing) Brothers do a little and get a lot of credit Maybe shes just trying to put structure into your life Hang on, maybe things will get better Don't hate hate her, its never good to hate just talk to her about this, let her know how your really feeling. Hope this works(:
7 :
I think you need to talk to someone about the situation, an older family member or a school counselor. What she's doing isn't really fair and quite emotionally damaging. She might have a reason for treating you this way that needs sorting. Maybe she had a bad time when she was pregnant with you and you remind her of that time. I'm not saying this is acceptable for her behaviour just that there might be a reason for her behaviour. What she is doing is mostly unfair because your brother does not have to do the same, if you were both doing these chores then it would be perfectly acceptable to ask you to help around the house. However, the running thing is a bit weird as if it was that she wanted you to keep fit and healthy then surely she'd want your brother to do it too and she doesn't care about your grades... soooo yeah weird. I would just refuse to do it. let her take your lap top and pretend like you don't care or hide it if you can. You need to stand up to her! As for your brother, brothers fight but putting a knife up to your throat is unacceptable next time he does that call the police. Maybe that will teach him a lesson. Just keep doing as well as your doing at school and just think one day, not so far away, you'll have a good job and will be able to move out. Your mum will no longer have control over you and your brother will probably be in prison! Look to the future :) Edited to add: Your own feelings will determine whether you hate your mum or not. I can't tell you how to feel but I wouldn't be surprised if you said you did hate her.
8 :
Call social services, this is not responsibility, it's slavery.
9 :
She' given you a roof over your head, she makes you food everyday, she cleans your clothes and ass (well when you we're baby) everyday and much more and your bitching about cleaning ? wow people are so ungrateful these days. (I didnt read all of it)